-------------------BUNION DERBY SCHEDULE FOR 2000-------------------
Race 1   Hugh Jascourt 4 Miler                  June 21 at 7PM
Race 2   Langley 8K                             June 27 at 7PM
Race 3   Fourth of July Age Handicapped 4 Miler July 4 at 8AM
Race 4   Bastille Day 4 Miler                   July 14 at 7PM
Race 5   Belle Haven 8K                         July 23 at 6PM
Race 6   Bon Air 5K                             July 27 at 7PM
Race 7   Bethesda 5K                            August 6 at 7PM
Race 8   Paul Thurston 4.5 Miler                August 17 at 6:45PM
-------------------------BUNION DERBY RULES-------------------------
---------------------FINAL BUNION DERBY RESULTS---------------------
RACE                     1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
Male 14 and under
Brian Rooney            19        20        19   20   20  (19)    98
Michael Rooney          20             20   20             20     80
Devon Powell            18                                        18
Male 15 to 19
Edward Thurston                                            20     20
Kenny Evans                                      20               20
Male 20 to 24
John Yow                          20   20   20        20   20    100
Adam Stolzberg                    19   18        19   19   18     93
Tim Troha               20             19        20        19     78
Male 25 to 29
Peter Ward             (17)  19   20        20   20   20  (19)    99
Karsten Brown           19   20        19   19  (19) (19)  20     97
Jason Murray            16   18   19   20                         73
Steve Holden            20                                        20
Frank Giannini          18                                        18
Neal Latta                        18                              18
Rob Morton              15                                        15
Male 30 to 34
Eric Zander             19            (19)  20   20   20   20     99
John Coogan             16   20   20        19        19  (16)    94
David Uy               (12)  18   19   17   17  (16) (16)  19     90
John Warden            (10)  16        18   18   18   18          88
Max Reid               (11)       17   16        17   17   18     85
Tom Stone                    17   18   15   16  (15)       17     83
Philippe Hubert         14   19                  19               52
Paul Miller             20                                        20
Alden Hall                             20                         20
Bruce Underwood         18                                        18
Matthew Joseph          17                                        17
John Salentine                    16                              16
Duke Santos             15                                        15
Dan Quinn               13                                        13
Male 35 to 39
Ted Poulos              20   20        20   20   20  (20) (20)   100
Rob Thomas             (18)  19        19   19   19   19          95
Tom Nowicki            (17)  18   20   18   18  (18) (18)  19     93
Van Keane              (11)            15   14   16   17   18     80
Mark Drosky             16                  17   17               50
Bill Wright             14        19   16                         49
John Ketterling                   18        16                    34
Michael Powell          19                                        19
Bill Bolles                            17                         17
Eric Reed                    17                                   17
Tom Winkert                       17                              17
Rick Torres             15                                        15
Jim Carroll                                 15                    15
Matthew Girard                                   15               15
Jim Daley               13                                        13
Scott Boggess           12                                        12
Male 40 to 44
Roberto Rodriguez            19   20   20   19   20               98
Vincent McDonald             18   19   18   18             20     93
John Winkert           (13) (13)  15   15  (13)  17   18   19     84
James Scarborough            15   16        15   18   19          83
Hiroki Iwahashi              12        14   12   16   17          71
Tim Good                     16   17   17        19               69
Steve Johnson           16             16   16        20          68
Glenn Gable                       18        17             18     53
Greg Boots              14   14                            17     45
Paul Hough                   20             20                    40
Daryl Knuth             18   17                                   35
John Arbab              20                                        20
Ed Grant                19                                        19
Kevin Finnegan                         19                         19
Bob Sicard              17                                        17
Hank Donigan            15                                        15
Rich OConner                                14                    14
Frank Rentas                      14                              14
Dave Gallina                                11                    11
Male 45 to 49
Pat Finn                18   18   17   18                  19     90
Ken Krehbiel            19             16   18        18   18     89
Bob Platt                              17   20   19        20     76
Keith Whited                      16   15        16        17     64
Paul Ryan               20        20                  20          60
Walter Hill                  20   19   19                         58
James Moreland                                   20   19          39
Jerry Merkel                           20                         20
Thomas Skelly                19                                   19
Jeff Levine                                 19                    19
Peter Blank                       18                              18
Jim Darr                                         18               18
Ron Evans                                        17               17
Male 50 to 54
Jay Wind               (19)  20   20   20   20   20              100
Greg Chaconas          (16)  17   19  (17)  19   19   19          93
Dave Johnston                14   18   14       (12)  18   19     83
Frank Rooney           (13)       17  (13)  16   15   16   17     81
George Gunn             14                       17   17   18     66
Roger Hoskin                      16             14   15   20     65
Ric Francke             12   13   14             11   14          64
Ron Griswold            17   18        18                         53
Jon Palks                    15        15        18               48
Ken Shipp               20             19                         39
Paul Thompson                          16   18                    34
James Duffy                                 17   16               33
Rodney Green                      13   12                         25
Jacob Wind                                            20          20
Ben Beach                    19                                   19
Terry Gricher           18                                        18
Ted Cochrane                 16                                   16
Robert Harper                     15                              15
James Warren            15                                        15
Rick Dean                                        13               13
Male 55 to 59
Klaus Hirtes            19   20   20   20   20  (18)              99
Imants Celtnieks        18   19             19   17   20  (17)    93
Robert Lasken           16  (14)  19   16   17   16       (16)    84
Jim Cavanaugh           17   17        19                         53
Andy Buechele                18        17        15               50
Pat Griffith                                     20        19     39
Robert Thurston         20                       19               39
Joe Greene                                  18             20     38
Jim Vollbrecht               16        18                         34
Bob Thurston                                               18     18
Larry Welch                       18                              18
Wayne Holland                               16                    16
Butch Proctor                15                                   15
Male 60 to 64
Richard Rhoads         (18) (18)  20   19   20   20        19     98
Tom Kurihara                 17   19        19   19   20          94
Rolland Elliott         17             18   18   18        18     89
Joe Broderick                16   18  (16)  17   17   19          87
Gene Clare              19   19                                   38
Michael Sanders         16             17                         33
Roger Burkhart                                             20     20
Fred Carson                            20                         20
Bob Eldridge                 20                                   20
Don Kohler              20                                        20
Gary Smith              15                                        15
William Trible          14                                        14
Male 65 to 69
Larry Dickerson         20                  20   20   20   20    100
Frank Gignac            19   20        19   19   19  (19)         96
Doug Burnette           18   19   19   18       (18)       19     93
John Winslow                      20   20                         40
Gene Fox                               17                         17
Male 70 to 74
Bill Morrison                20   20   20        20   20         100
Male 75 to 79
Frank Luff              19        20   19   20   18               96
Bill Osburn             20   20        20        20               80
Dixon Hemphill               19                  19        20     58
Male 80 and over
Henry Heymann                20        20   20             20     80
Alvin Guttag                      20                              20
Female 14 and under
Female 15 to 19
Rebekah Dunbar          20   20        20   19   20               99
Christina Rooney             19   20   19  (18)  19   20          97
Stefanie Brown                              20                    20
Female 20 to 24
Elizabeth Pfifer        19   20             20   20   20          99
Jeannie Cronin          20                       19   19   20     78
Lori Agnew                             20             18          38
Rachelle Lasken                                  18        19     37
Anna Hall                         20                              20
Meghan Fennelly         18                                        18
Female 25 to 29
Cecily Rekart                20   19        20   20        20     99
Leilani Eleccion        19        20             19   20          78
Candace Miller          20                                        20
Nancy Leonard                          20                         20
Tracy Cain                        18                              18
Female 30 to 34
Susan Rizzieri          20        20        20   20        20    100
Jodi Jordan                       19   20             20   19     78
Katy Crum               17             19                         36
Lee Kaukas              19                                        19
Kathy Carroll                               19                    19
Dawn Henry                        18                              18
Deveny Deck             18                                        18
Female 35 to 39
Virginia Poole          20             19   19        20   20     98
Leesa Anderson               20       (17)  18   19   19   19     95
Carole OGara                                     20               20
Suzanne Cote                           20                         20
Eliza Savage                                20                    20
Vicki Carlson                          18                         18
Female 40 to 44
Roseann Neatrour        18   19        20   18  (18)       20     95
Joanne Johnson          17   18        18   17  (17)  20          90
Bernadette Flynn                            19   20               39
Sandra Ruprecht         19   20                                   39
Fiona Branton           20                                        20
Beth McCann                                 20                    20
MaryLou Mayhugh                                  19               19
Codi Dudley                            19                         19
Renee Finnegan                         17                         17
Female 45 to 49
Christina Caravoulias                       18   20   19   19     76
Stephanie Shipp         20             20                         40
Kathryn Loomans                             19        20          39
Heather Sanders              20                                   20
Betty Blank                                 20                    20
Mathilda Cox                                               20     20
Female 50 to 54
BJ Connor               20  (19)       20   20   20   20  (20)   100
Anne Gwynn                   20                                   20
Jeanine Matte                     20                              20
Neesa Hoskin                      19                              19
Bob Parillo                                                19     19
Female 55 to 59
Janet Newburgh                    20                              20
Female 60 to 64
Karen Lovelace          18   20   20  (18)       19        20     97
Nancy Davis-Imhof       19   19   19   19            (19)  20     96
Tami Graf               20                       20               40
Arlene Walker                          20             20          40
Female 65 to 69
Lee Glassco             20        20   20   20   20              100
Female 70 to 74
Kay Morrison                 20   20             20               60
Female 75 to 79
Female 80 and over

Last updated 09/29/00
Send corrections to Debbie Margraff 
email: dmarg@home.com